RazorEngine is used to run C# Razor views in ASP.NET MVC4 application.
Views contain decimal expressions wrapped to custom Format function call like
This causes exception
Attempted to divide by zero
if someotherdecimalexpression value is 0
How to force razor engine to ignore division by zero exception? It can return big decimal number or null on empty string if this occurs.
Expressions are created by end users at runtime. Database fields have decimal type and it is difficult to convert all operands to double to remove this exception.
Check for artihmetic overflow is unchecked in project properties but this does not help. I tried
and in template base class
public string Eval(string expression) {
try {
return Format(Run(expression));
catch (DivideByZeroException) {
return ""
but got compile error since there is not Run method.
If you know the name of someotherdecimalexpression
at runtime you could do the following:
string name = "someotherdecimalexpression";
template = template.Replace(name, "(double)" + name);
This will convert all someotherdecimalexpression
to double
for the calculation and you get Infinity
instead of an exception.
But be aware of the "side effects" like if the name
is something which could also be used e.g. "in text"...