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FTP Client Output Response standard

After successful FTP file transfer, the the response is used to be "226 File send OK", but suddenly, it has changed to be "226 Transfer complete"

I have below questions:

  1. Does FTP response code has any standard?
  2. Can we customize FTP output response for a specific status code?

Find the standard FTP response for file transfer

$ ftp canopus
Connected to
220 FTP server (Version 4.1 Sat Nov 23 12:52:09 CST 1991) ready.
Name (canopus:eric): dee
331 Password required for dee.
230 User dee logged in.
ftp> pwd
257 "/home/dee" is current directory.
ftp> cd desktop
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> type ascii
200 Type set to A.
ftp> send typescript
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening data connection for typescript (,1412).
226 File send OK.
ftp> cdup
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> bye
221 Goodbye.

Note: suddenly the response text 226 File send OK has changed to 226 Transfer complete

Find the details about FTP responses on wikipedia


  • RFC 959, 4.2. FTP REPLIES:

    An FTP reply consists of a three digit number (transmitted as three alphanumeric characters) followed by some text. The number is intended for use by automata to determine what state to enter next; the text is intended for the human user. It is intended that the three digits contain enough encoded information that the user-process (the User-PI) will not need to examine the text and may either discard it or pass it on to the user, as appropriate. In particular, the text may be server-dependent, so there are likely to be varying texts for each reply code.