I might have more than one VideoCapture for a Camera. Unfortunately sometimes the connection to the camera seems to get terminated.
Mat img;
VideoCapture v1(0);
v1.read(img); //img is a valid picture
VideoCapture v2(0);
v1.read(img); //img is a valid picture
v2.read(img); //img is a valid picture
v2 = v1;
v2.read(img); //img is not a valid picture. Connection seems to be closed
Is this correct behaviour, or is it a bug in OpenCV?
Is there a way to check if a particular devicenumber is already open and get the responsible class?
Mat img;
VideoCapture v1(0);
VideoCapture v2 = alreadyOpen(0);
if(VideoCapture(0).isOpen()){ //how do i check that
return "v1" //how do i know where v1 is
return VideoCapture(0);
See Comments:
It's not possible, it might be a bug/not clear if the behavior of OpenCV is intentional.