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myeclipse2014 create maven project :The desired archetype does not exist

I'm using maven3.2.1 ,and my jdk version is 1.6.

When I use myeclipse 2014 in win7 to create a maven project,

it throws an Error:

Unable to create project from archetype 
[ -> ]
The desired archetype does not exist 

this is my maven archetype choosing:enter image description here

And I think maybe there is no that archetype in my local repository, so I searched in web ,and download the jar from maven center repository: then I use this cmd to install it:

mvn install:install-file \ \
    -DartifactId=android-quickstart \
    -Dversion=1.1.0 \
    -Dpackaging=jar \

And this is the result:

[INFO] Installing D:\Downloads\maven-archeTypes\android-quickstart-1.1.0.jar 
       to D:\maven\repository\de\akquinet\android\
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

I check for myeclipse compiler ,set it to 1.6.

I set Maven4MyEclipse Installations to my maven installed path.

then I try again, but still failure.

could anyone help? Thank you !!!


  • Please remember that m2eclipse is not enough but you need also m2e-android:

    First of all install latest version of Maven (3.1.x).

    After that, in Eclipse do the following:

    New -> Maven Project -> (next) -> Add Archetype and enter:

    Archetype Group Id:
    Archetype Artifact Id: android-quickstart
    Archetype Version: 1.1.0

    Then enter your project informations (groupId, artifactId, package) and finish the wizard.

    If this shouldn't work try creating the project with you command line:

     mvn archetype:generate \
          -DarchetypeArtifactId=android-quickstart \
          -DarchetypeVersion=1.1.0 \

    And then import it in Eclipse.

    and see