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Visual Studio: SQL server object explorer error

I cannot figure out how to remedy this error when I select the SQL server object explorer.

Could not load file or assembly

'Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Utilities.Sql.11 Version=

Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=**** or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

I have asked on the microsoft forums but I figured people who actually work with this daily may have a better response. I am a new user with VS so my knowledge is limited. I have updated VS and I have SQL server 2012 installed on this machine.

Thank you in advance for helping me make sense of this error.


  • Getting the same with VS 2013, maybe the same root problem:

    Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Utilities.Sql.12 Version=12.0.0

    I was able to resolve this by getting the most recent version of Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools. This is under the tools menu:

    Tools >> Extensions and Updates >> Updates