I open full list of PEPs: http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/ and search by decorator
There are two PEPs with this keyword in title:
but they don't say anything about class-based decorators...
I wonder when and how class-based decorators introduced into Python.
UPDATE I talk about:
class NoArgsClassDecorator:
def __init__(self, f):
self.f = f
def __call__(self):
print('Inside %s.__call__(). You call %s()' % (self.__class__, self.f.__name__))
print('Inside %s.__call__(). We finish %s()' % (self.__class__, self.f.__name__))
def hello():
Class-based decorators were included from the very start; quoting the Design Goals section of PEP 318:
The new syntax should
- work for arbitrary wrappers, including user-defined callables
Emphasis mine.
Classes are user-defined callables. Calling a class produces an instance; and like functions, class instances are just another object.
The fact that you can make instances callable too by defining a __call__
method on the class, letting you replace functions with instances, has long been part if the language and never needed to be called out in the PEP.