I thought it would be:
window.run_command("find_all", {"pattern": "a"})
to find all the "a" characters in the current buffer (I mean the same effect as using "find all" from the find panel; end up with a multi-selection of every "a" character in the buffer), but it just does nothing.
(I tested that replacing it with something like:
window.run_command("move", {"by": "lines", "forward": True})
does work, so I at least got the context for the code right.)
According to the Sublime Text 2 API docs (also the same in ST3), find()
and find_all()
are methods of sublime.View
, so you should call them on a view
, not on a window
. Here's a sample plugin to search for and select all occurrences of python
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
class HighlightPythonCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
count = 0
for rgn in self.view.find_all('python'):
count += 1
sublime.status_message('Added ' + str(count) + ' regions.')
After saving it in your Packages/User
directory, you can run it from the console (Ctrl`) using
For searching for your ≡
character, try this version:
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
class HighlightTripleEqualsCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
search = unichr(0x2261) # your character in hex
self.view.sel().clear() # clear any existing selections - ideally we'd
# save them and reinstate them afterwards...
count = 0
for rgn in self.view.find_all(search):
count += 1
sublime.status_message('Added ' + str(count) + ' regions.')