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Use selenium webdriver as a baseclass python

I searched for a while for this one and was surprised i couldn't find anything, maybe because it's simple. I've been programming in python for about 3 months doing automated testing with selenium webdriver. I was thinking it would be convenient to have a class inherit from my webdriver class to add more functionality to it.

    from selenium import webdriver

    class myPage(webdriver):

          def __init__(self):
                super(myPage, self).__init__()

          def set_up(self):

but when i do this i get the error>>>

    File "c:\Users\me\...\", line 6, in <module>
        class myPage(webdriver):
    TypeError: module.__init__() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)

When I create the myPage object the code is...

    from myProgram import myPage
    class Test():
          def do(self):
                self.browser = myPage.Firefox()

So it goes through and does the self.browser = myPage.Firefox() line and when it runs the .__init__() somehow it gives it three arguments and I'm not sure where they come from. I'm clearly missing something because inheritance isn't hard to do. Thanks for any help


  • You'd have to change:

    class myPage(webdriver)


    class myPage(webdriver.Firefox)

    However that would remove the ability to choose the browser you would like to run it on. This is because webdriver isn't actually a class, but a package (I believe). When you call something like: webdriver.Firefox() it is actually an instance of the Firefox class, not the webdriver class. To get what you desire you're probably better off doing something like this:

    from selenium import webdriver
    class myPage(webdriver.Firefox, webdriver.Chrome, webdriver.Ie):
        def __init__(self, browser):
            if browser.lower() == "ie":
            elif browser.lower() == "chrome":