I read the data from mysql database with command
vrijeme = myData.Item(2) ' translation vrijeme = time
ime = "Dobrodosli " & myData.Item(0) & "" ' translation ime = name
After that i store the vrijeme to the textbox with
txtvrijeme.text = vrijeme
Then i add timer control on form and want to countdown from the time in textbox to 0 .. The time in textbox is in format 00:00:00
Anyway's ill set the entire project in .rar with connection strings and all needed stuffs if anyone want to help Dropbox :https://www.dropbox.com/s/maxmxeak0cr353q/PocetnaVerzija.rar
The solution would be . Read the data from value
hours = txtTimefromDB.Text.Substring(0, 2)
minutes = txtTimefromDB.Text.Substring(3, 2)
sec = txtTimefromDB.Text.Substring(6, 2)
Start decrementing
Private Sub tmrCountdown_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles tmrCountdown.Tick
sec = sec - 1
If sec = 0 Then
minutes = minutes - 1
sec = 60
ElseIf minutes = 0 Then
hours = hours - 1
minutes = 60
End If
txtTimefromDB.Text = "" & hours & ":" & minutes & ":" & sec
End Sub