I am working on a shell script to ease htpasswd management for accounts.
I am trying to check if the htpasswd was created properly using the expected exit status from the docs
this is what I have so far:
Existing htpasswd:
local _result=$(htpasswd "${HTPASSWD_LOCATION}" "${_htpasswdLogin}")
New htpasswd:
local _result=$(htpasswd -c "${HTPASSWD_LOCATION}" "${_htpasswdLogin}")
For some reason, this is being successful but I am not able to capture the exit status.
This is my check:
if [ "${_result}" = "0" ]; then
echo "User successfully added to the .htpasswd file"
echo "Failed to add the user to .htpasswd file"
Is there a better method to get the exit status?
You can just do:
if htpasswd -c "${HTPASSWD_LOCATION}" "${_htpasswdLogin}"; then
echo "User successfully added to the .htpasswd file"
echo "Failed to add the user to .htpasswd file"