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How to edit built in command behavior

I want to edit find_under_expand (ctrl+d) to consider hyphenated words, as single words. So when I try to replace all instance of var a, it shouldn't match substrings of "a" in words like a-b, which it currently does.

enter image description here

I'm assuming find_under_expand wraps your current selection in regex boundaries like this: \ba\b

I need it to wrap in something like this: \b(?<!-)a(?!-)\b

Is the find_under_expand command's source available to edit? Or do I have to rewrite the whole thing? I'm not sure where to begin.


  • Sublime's commands are implemented in one of several ways: as macros, as plugins, and internally as part of the compiled program (probably as C++). The default macros and plugins can be found in the Packages/Default directory in ST2 (where Packages is the directory opened when selecting Preferences -> Browse Packages...), or zipped in the Installed Packages/Default.sublime-package file in ST3, extractable using @skuroda's excellent PackageResourceViewer plugin, available via Package Control. Macros have .sublime-macro extensions, while plugins are written in Python and have .py extensions.

    I searched all through the Defaults package in ST3 (things are generally the same as in ST2), and was unable to find a macro or .py file that included the find_under_expand command, or FindUnderExpand, which is the convention when naming command classes in plugins. Therefore, I strongly suspect that this command is internal to Sublime, probably written in C++ and linked into the executable or in a .dll|.dylib|.so library.

    So, it doesn't look like there's an existing file that you could easily modify to adjust for your negative lookahead/lookbehind patterns (I assume that's what those are, my regex is a bit rusty...). Instead, you'll have to implement your own plugin from scratch that reads the "word_separators" value in your settings file, which the current implementation of find_under_expand doesn't seem to be doing, judging from your previous question and my own testing. Theoretically, this shouldn't be too terribly difficult - you can just open up a quick panel where the user enters the pattern/regex to be searched for, and you can just iterate through the current view looking for matches and highlighting/selecting them.

    Good luck!