Search code examples

How to group_concat by name

I got a pivot table:

      ID              Reference          Key               Value
    01                  001             date                03/04/2009
    02                  001             shift               1st
    03                  001             station 1           Mark
    04                  001             station 2           John
    05                  001             station 2           Macy
    06                  002             date                04/04/2009
    07                  002             shift               2nd
    08                  002             station 1           John
    09                  002             Station 1           Drey
    10                  002             Station 2           Macy

I currently got a view that generates the following table (used group_concat and then group by date field):

    Date            shift             station 1                station 2
    03/04/2009      1st                 Mark                   John, Macy
    04/04/2009      2nd                 John, Drey              Macy

And i would like to have:

    Operator          Date                Shift                 Station
    Mark             03/04/2009            1st                    1
    Macy             03/04/2009            1st                    2                
    Macy             04/04/2009            2nd                    2
    Drey             04/04/2009            2nd                    1
    John             03/04/2009            1st                    2
    John             04/04/2009            2nd                    1

Tx a lot!


  • Please note that I'm not actually advocating this as a solution. Instead, you should normalize your design, particularly in regards the m:n relationship between shifts and operators, and also to reflect the different data types which are (or should be) involved...

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS eav_hell;
    CREATE TABLE eav_hell
    ,entity INT NOT NULL
    ,attribute VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL 
    ,value VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL
    INSERT INTO eav_hell (entity,attribute,value) VALUES
    (1,'station 1','Mark'),
    (1,'station 2','John'),
    (1,'station 2','Macy'),
    (2,'station 1','John'),
    (2,'Station 1','Drey'),
    (2,'Station 2','Macy');
    SELECT a.operator
         , b.shift
         , b.station
         ( SELECT DISTINCT CASE WHEN attribute IN ('station 1','station 2') THEN value END operator FROM eav_hell ) a
         ( SELECT entity
                , 1 station
                , MAX(CASE WHEN attribute = 'date' THEN value END) date
                , MAX(CASE WHEN attribute = 'shift' THEN value END) shift
                , GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN attribute= 'station 1' THEN value END) names
             FROM eav_hell
               BY entity
           SELECT entity
                , 2 
                , MAX(CASE WHEN attribute = 'date' THEN value END) date
                , MAX(CASE WHEN attribute = 'shift' THEN value END) shift
                , GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN attribute= 'station 2' THEN value END) 
             FROM eav_hell
               BY entity
         ) b
        ON FIND_IN_SET(a.operator,b.names) > 0;
        | operator | date       | shift | station |
        | Mark     | 03/04/2009 | 1st   |       1 |
        | John     | 04/04/2009 | 2nd   |       1 |
        | John     | 03/04/2009 | 1st   |       2 |
        | Macy     | 03/04/2009 | 1st   |       2 |
        | Macy     | 04/04/2009 | 2nd   |       2 |
        | Drey     | 04/04/2009 | 2nd   |       1 |