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Should DAL always return business objects in MVP

  1. In Model View Presenter (MVP) pattern, it is said that our DAL always should returns business models. But let's say if I want to get just a number from database like the last ClientID (the latest clients ID) which is a string, should my DAL method returns a ClientInfo object which has about 10 other fields as well like ClientName, Address etc.?

  2. If I want to get a list of business objects from my DAL, is it acceptable to do it as follows or better to get a DataTable from DAL and then in the applications BLL, converts it a List?

    public List<Employee>  GetNewEmployees()
        string selectStatement = "SELECT Employee.Emp_ID, Employee.Initials + ' ' + Employee.Surname AS Name,...";
        using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(db.GetConnectionString))
            using (SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(selectStatement, sqlConnection))
                using (SqlDataReader dataReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader())
                    List<Employee> list = new List<Employee>();
                    while (dataReader.Read())
                        list.Add (
                        new EpfEtfMaster { 
                            EmployeeID = (int) dataReader ["emp_id"],
                            EmployeeName = (string) dataReader ["Name"],
                            AppointmentDate = (DateTime) dataReader["appointment_date"],                                   
                    return list;


  • This is a bit of an opinion based question, but ill go ahead and answer because i think its important.

    1. If you have multiple accesses to your DB just to query your ClientID, then it is valid IMO not to allocate a whole ClientInfo object as it is redundant and there is no need for the whole extra allocation when you only need a int/string. Although if you do see yourself starting to add more than 1 property (Lets say you need to get a ClientID and an Address) then you should transform your return value to a ClientInfo. It really depends on the scenario.

    2. Again, this is MO. I would let my DB return a DataTable as i dont want my Data Access Layer to have anything to do with my Data Object Model. If one day i desire to change it, i dont want it to be a cross cutting concern and refactor every part of the program. Instead, i would let an intermediate class take care of transforming the DataTable to my DOM. That way, only one place has to know a change has been made and i only need to refactor one place in my code. I would strongly suggest looking into AutoMapper as that intermediate layer for your application.