Using optapllaner, is it possible to call "Graph.getInstance().mdm()" method in the score calculation drl file ?
I read somewhere that i can only invoke static methods but i'm not sure.
Yes it's possible. Of course, for it to make any sense to call a method during score calculation it will need to have a parameter that accepts an entity or a variable-dependent property.
Accept an entity:
$p : Process()
eval(Graph.getInstance().mdmForProcess($p) == true)
Accept an variable-dependent property:
Process($c : computer)
eval(Graph.getInstance().mdmForComputer($c) == true)
Overall, I don't like that design, I prefer a design like this:
Process(mdmIsGood() == true)
@PlanningEntity class Process {
public boolean mdmIsGood() {
return Graph.getInstance().mdmForProcess($p);
Note: Why doesn't it make sense if the method isn't based on an entity or variable-dependent property? Because than you can precalculate it! So it would be very inefficient to calculate it during every score calculation. See docs section "cached problem facts".