I get the error message 'Can't create deploy folder.' when I try to profile a remote websites on WAWS.
Actions taken:
- Downloaded and installed the dotTrace Profiler 5.5 from the JetBrains website
- Downloaded the dotTrace.Performance.Remote version 5.5.0 from Nuget
- Published the website to WAWS via Visual Studio 2013
- Started the dotTrace application as Administrator
- Connected to the remote _https://subdomain.azurwebsites.net/AgentService.asmx. See image: http://1drv.ms/1nF5Cyh
- Selected the w3wp process and pressed Run
- Got the error message 'Can't create deploy folder'. See image: http://1drv.ms/U5h35A
I'm running dotTrace in trial mode at the moment. Swift help is much appreciated.