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clojure - defn/def in function body or let statements

user=> (defn make-list [] '(1 2 3))
user=> (defn get-list [] (map #(str "foo" % ) make-list))
user=> (get-list)
IllegalArgumentException Don't know how to create ISeq from: user$make-list  clojure.lang.RT.seqFrom (
user=> (defn get-list [] (let [ml (make-list)] (map #(str "foo" % ) ml) ))
user=> (get-list)
("foo1" "foo2" "foo3")

Why can the value from defn not be accessed in the same way from the BODY of a function as it can from the LET clause?


  • defn declares a function so you need to invoke it in order to get its result:

    (defn make-list [] '(1 2 3))
    (defn get-list [] (map #(str "foo" % ) (make-list)))
    ;; ("foo1" "foo2" "foo3")

    But since your makeList function doesn't do anything but return a list, you can use def instead as it simply declares a var:

    (def make-list '(1 2 3))
    (defn get-list [] (map #(str "foo" % ) make-list))
    ;;("foo1" "foo2" "foo3")

    Lastly, use kebab-case instead of camelCase for function and var names in Clojure. That's the convention unless you're declaring Protocols or Types.