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Expressing IS NOT NULL without causing a PEP8 error

At a certain point in my project, I need to query a SQLAlchemy object for columns that are NOT NULL. In my code, I do:

session.query(MyModel).filter(MyModel.my_column != None).all()

...and it works great. Problem is, whenever I run pep8 or one of the other linters on the file, it raises an error E711: Comparison to None should be if cond is not None:. I agree with the spirit of this guideline, and as such I don't want to silence the warning just because of one little line.

Is there another way to write this? Preferably one where we don't have to dig into the func module?


  • PEP8 isn't meant to be followed to the letter.

    You're recommended to use is None instead of == None because is cannot be overloaded (unlike ==):

    >>> class Bad(object):
    ...     def __eq__(self, other):
    ...         return True
    >>> instance = Bad()
    >>> instance == None
    >>> instance is None

    In your case you want to use the overloaded == operator, so the warning is incorrect.

    There are three ways of making the warning go away:

    1. You can disable that particular warning for that single line:

      • For Flake8/PyFlakes:

        session.query(MyModel).filter(MyModel.my_column != None).all()  # noqa: E711
      • For Pylint:

        session.query(MyModel).filter(MyModel.my_column != None).all()  # pylint: disable=singleton-comparison
    2. You can avoid using the equality operator by directly calling the class's __eq__ (for ==) and __ne__ (for !=) methods:

    3. You can use .is_ and .isnot:


      Note that .is_ and .isnot are not the same as == and !=. MyModel.my_column != x can mean both IS NOT NULL and != x depending on the value of x and your database, so solutions 1 and 2 are probably better unless you really don't like using __-methods and know the type of the right-hand-side of your expression.