My form has a button "Process files", and when pressed, nested VBA procedures will be executed and a subform will display a table of ids and their associated results. My question is in order to display a table with mutliple rows in a format that resembles something similar to a datasheet do I create the subform with the Multiple Items Form or the Datasheet form. Some more specifications on the subform are:
Form Properties
Name: fsubInstrumentInterfaceLog; Default View: Continuous; Record Selectors: Yes; Navigation Buttons: Yes; Scrollbars: Vertical
Header, Detail, Footer
Header: Column headings
Detail: One row of data fields. fields set to Enabled = Yes; Locked = Yes.
Container Properties
Insert this form into frmInstrumentInterface with Subform/Subreport control
Parent-Child Link: Link Master Fields: BatchID, cboInstrument; Link Child Fields: BatchID, InstrumentName
Special Effect: Etched
Here are my thoughts between both styles of continuous forms.
Datasheets forms
- Resemble Access tables and Excel spreadsheets.
- Can be very wide or long with no limit (to my knowledge).
- Individual rows and columns width and height dimensions are adjustable by user (not limited to designer).
- Does not contain editable form headers/footers. However, datasheets do allow footer aggregates (Sum, Avg, Count, etc.)
- Conditional formatting can be applied.
- All trigger events by field controls can be applied.
- Limited GUI objects and their events can be integrated (no labels, buttons, or list boxes, etc.). Combo boxes can be added though. But this may not matter if you use a main form.
- Special effects, back color, border color, and other control designs not allowed.
- Controls can be locked from user changes.
- Record selectors highlight entire row like spreadsheet.
- Navigation controls and scrollbars are enabled.
- Parent-Child links can be established like any other subform/subreport.
Multiple item forms
- Resembles a row by row form view of the data.
- Limited to 22 inches in width and height.
- Individual row and columns width and height dimensions are not adjustable by user but limited to designer.
- Does contain editable form header/footer.
- Conditional formatting can be applied.
- All trigger events by field names can be applied.
- Any GUI objects and their events can be integrated (labels, buttons, drop down fields, etc.). But this may not matter if you use a main form.
- Special effects, back color, border color, and other control designs are enabled.
- Controls can be locked from user changes.
- Record selector limited to arrow at far left of record.
- Navigation controls and scrollbars are enabled.
- Parent-Child links can be established like any other subform/subreport.
Overall, both operate very similarly. For me the choice depends on functionality of your form and subform combination. Multiple item forms provide a more natural user interface that be consistent with other forms. Datasheets can disrupt such a UI but they are easy setup for large volume.