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Recieve and reply to sms on huawei modem, gammu-smsd: Process failed with exit status 2

I Have a Huawei E220 HSDPA Modem on linux xubuntu I wanted to recieve sms and reply automatically to the sender. I Use gammu and Gammu-smsd to do this.

To automatically send sms back I added runOnRecieve = /path/to/bash/file into the /etc/gammu-smsdrc configuration-file.

Here is the script:

str=$SMS_1_TEXT //string containing text from sender
tlf=$SMS_1_NUMBER //containing number from sender

if test "$str" = "today"; then

   echo "[Weather for today in Norway]
   Sol, noe overskyet
   [Vind fra sørøst]
   Ha en fin dag!" | gammu-smsd-inject TEXT $tlf -unicode -autolen 200
   echo "fail" >> /home/mattis/sms.txt

This is how I start the daemon

$ sudo gammu-smsd

This works if I run the bash script from terminal using test-input, but when the program gammu-smsd calls the script I get.

gammu-smsd[3183]: Process failed with exit status 2

Now i can remove "gammu-smsd-inject" from the code and replace with "gammu sendsms" , but that would just give me gibberish letters instead of "æøå and [ ]" when received back to the mobile.

Hoping for positive answers.


  • --//--Working code--//--

    The thing is: Gammu sms inject acctually sends data to mysql database called smsd.

    Creating this database: This should be created as specified in wammu sql database. Storing the SQL script for creating tables in MySQL database will able you to import it with phpmyadmin(gui) or any other way to interface mysql.

    Run on recieve Add to the end of /etc/gammu-smsdrc --configuration file for gammu

    runOnRecieve = /path/to/bash/file

    Open the /path/to/bash/file

    str=$SMS_1_TEXT //codeword "weather"
    tlf=$SMS_1_NUMBER //+47 41412424
    tlf=${tlf:3} //remove +47
    if test "$tlf" = "41412424"; then
        toSend = "[Weather for today in Norway]"
        toSend = "[you are not part of this group]"
        echo "Someone outside the group send to this number" > /home/user/activity.txt
    mysql --host=localhost --user=username --password=pw smsd << EOF
    INSERT INTO outbox (
    ) VALUES (

    Start the daemon

    $ sudo gammu-smsd

    That should be it!

    Extra tips:

    • Use $ gammu-detect to find out where the device is connected. Look for name = Phone on USB serial port HUAWEI_Technology HUAWEI_Mobile or something similar. Put this info in the configfile.
    • Be shure to add right permission to the bashfile. Make it readable to user running gammu-smsd.
    • Make the bashfile executable using chmod u+x /path/to/bash/file.
    • The gammu-smsd-monitor can be used to check how good signal you have. Be shure not to stop running the gammu-smsd when trying to run this.
    • You can test the bashfile by running it with dummy tlf and dummytext as input. $ ./