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How to incorporate gam() in xyplot() from Lattice package?

I am trying to incorporate generalized additive models gam() from mgcv package to either xyplot() function or coplot() function from lattice package in R.

The data can be found in, by selecting ozone data.

Here are my code for kernel smoothing.


    xyplot(ozone^(1/3) ~ radiation | Temperature * Wind, data = ozonedata, as.table = TRUE, 
           panel = function(x, y, ...) {panel.xyplot(x, y, ...);panel.loess(x, y)}, 
           pch = 20,xlab = "Solar Radiation", ylab = "Ozone (ppb)")


           panel = function(x, y, ...) panel.smooth(x, y, span = .8, ...),
           xlab="Solar radiation (langleys)", ylab="Ozone (cube root ppb)")

The generalized additive models is generated as following.

    gam_ozone = gam(ozone^(1/3)~s(radiation)+s(temperature)+s(wind),data=ozonedata,method="GCV.Cp")

Now I am having a trouble combining fitting from gam() into lattice plots.


  • I think this should work. Notice that we are passing in the gam_ozone object as a parameter to xyplot called gam. This will allow us to access it in the panel function.

    xyplot(ozone^(1/3) ~ radiation | Temperature * Wind, data = ozonedata, 
        as.table = TRUE, gam=gam_ozone, 
        panel = function(x, y, gam,...) {
            xx <- dimnames(trellis.last.object())
            ww <- arrayInd(packet.number(), .dim=sapply(xx, length))
            avgtmp <- mean(xx[[1]][[ww[1]]])
            avgwind <- mean(xx[[2]][[ww[2]]])
            gx<-seq(min(x, na.rm=T), max(x, na.rm=T), length.out=50)
            gy<-predict(gam, data.frame(radiation=gx, 
                temperature=avgtmp, wind=avgwind))
            panel.xyplot(x, y, ...);
            panel.xyplot(gx, gy, ..., col="red", type="l");
        pch = 20,xlab = "Solar Radiation", ylab = "Ozone (ppb)"

    Now in order to use the gam to predict, you're going to have to find a value to use for wind and temperature for each panel. What i've decide to do, is just take the middle value for each shingle range. So I used a Deepayan-approved, undocumented feature to get at the ranges for each of the current shingles with the call to dimnames. And then i find the current panel with packet.number() Once I have the ranges, i take the means to get an average value.

    Not i'll use the gam model we passed in to predict the curve for each panel. I calculate a range of 50 x values based on observed values and then predict from the gam a new line.

    Finally I draw the raw data with panel.xyplot and then i draw the gam predicted line.

    sample lattice output with gam smooth curve