Is it possible to disable changing link from dragging at the source end of the link?
I'm using DEV plug-in with inPorts in passive mode; So that only out ports can start a link.
I'll set out port to passive mode when a link is made, so no more links could be created from same port.
However, I want to re-enable the outPort when the link is removed.
following code works when a link is broken from target port side, but not when link is broken at source port side (because source will be a point at this time) or via remove icon in the link.
graph.on('remove', function(cell) {
console.log('event: remove');
if (cell instanceof joint.dia.Link) {
var sElemid = cell.get('source').id;
var sElem = graph.getCell(sElemid);
sElem && sElem.attr('.outPorts circle/magnet', 'true');
How to re-enable the port in other two cases?
Something is better than nothing. I disabled those two offending features. ie., no more remove icon or draggable arrow head at source end. :->
defaultLink: new joint.dia.Link({
attrs: {
'.marker-arrowhead-group-source': {
display: 'none'
'.link-tools': {
display: 'none'