Is there a way nest functions and pass them as a parameter? I have this 2 functions:
function mayus(string) {
return string.toUpperCase();
function removeA(string) {
return string.replace(/A/g, "");
and I want to apply them in 2 different ways
function stringHandler1(stringID) {
var newString = mayus(removeA(getString(stringID)));
return newString;
function stringHandler2(stringID) {
var newString = removeA(mayus(getString(stringID)));
return newString;
The 2 stringHandlers return slightly different strings, but they are fairly similar. Is there a way to use one string handler that takes 2 parameters (the stringID and the operation)
function stringHandlerINeed(string, operation) {
var newString = operation(string);
I want to do something like
stringHandlerINeed("516af2", mayus(removeA))
Update: I marked jJ' as the answer because it doesn't require me to change any of the functions I already have, and it's the concept I was looking for, but this answer by juvian is so simple makes me wish I had come up with it.
What you really want is probably function composition... one way to implement it is like this:
function compose() {
var fns =;
return function (arg) {
fns.forEach(function (fn) {
arg = fn(arg);
return arg;
compose(mayus, removeA)('axA'); // -> "X"
compose(removeA, mayus)('axA'); // -> "AX"
There are endless applications of this concept. You can use any number of functions chained in compose
. You can name the composed function:
var mayusRemoveA = compose(mayus, removeA);
You can also create a constant function (something like your handler above) instead of values that are evaluated by calling composed function directly...
var theHandlerINeed = compose(function () { return 'axA'; }, mayus, removeA);
theHandlerINeed(); // -> "X"