I would like to open some iTunes song's link in my app, but I don't want to redirect from my app to app store. I would like to open iTunes Store as a modal view like Facebook do it when you press on a sponsored app. How can I do it? ( in "home made" modal view with web view?? I hope not )
For example how to open this link as a modal view, and user can buy right there: @"https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/how-i-feel/id731197191?i=731197197&ign-mpt=uo%3D4"
Right now I'm using this:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication]
openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"itms://itunes.apple.com/us/album/how-i-feel/id731197191?i=731197197&uo=4"]];
Of course it won't open in a modal view.
Ok, so I' ve solved my problem, and I won't delete my question, because I didn't find it in stack overflow :
SKStoreProductViewController *storeProductViewController = [[SKStoreProductViewController alloc] init];
[storeProductViewController setDelegate:self];
[storeProductViewController loadProductWithParameters:@{SKStoreProductParameterITunesItemIdentifier : @"731197191"} completionBlock:^(BOOL result, NSError *error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error %@ with User Info %@.", error, [error userInfo]);
} else {
// Present Store Product View Controller
[self presentViewController:storeProductViewController animated:YES completion:nil];