I’m creating a WordPress plugin, that in turn creates a custom post type for MMA fighters. I want to organise fighters by weight class, so though this would be a good use of a custom taxonomy.
I’ve created a weight class taxonomy like this:
register_taxonomy('mma_weight_class', 'mma_fighter', array(
'hierarchical' => false,
'label' => __('Weight Class'),
'query_var' => true,
'rewrite' => true
However, this doesn’t seem to yield quite what I want. When I go to add/edit a fighter post, there’s a weight class panel that displays like the following:
What I’d like instead is a weight class panel like that, but with options (i.e. Lightweight, Middleweight, Heavyweight etc) predefined by my plugin and displayed as a drop-down list, rather than an open input as above where the user can add any ol’ option.
Is it possible to create pre-defined options for a taxonomy like this?
So, I found the wp_insert_term() function, programmatically added the weight classes, and changed hierarchical
to true
in the taxonomy definition. This gets me closer to what I want, as I now have this:
However, I’d rather they were radios instead of checkboxes (so users could only select one weight class), and that the “+ Add New Category” option wasn’t available, as I only want users to choose from the pre-defined options and not be able to create their own.
The metabox is looking like this because you defined the 'hierarchical' => false
argument, if you set that to 'hierarchical' => true
it'll adopt the categories style metabox, with checkboxes but i think you don't wanna give the oportunity to the users to create sub-categories, because that would be wrong.
You could have 3 approaches here:
1) Set 'hierarchical' => true
but this will enable a fighter be on more than one class
2) Change the default metabox for this custom post type, replacing the checkboxes for radio buttons
3) Create a custom metabox, with radio buttons too
Sorry for bad english