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jmockit seems to not find my non strict expectation, produced result is null

I am trying to test the "provisionProduct()" method in some legacy code. As you can see, it eventually makes a call on productDAO, which I want to mock out.

@Service( "productService" )
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS, readOnly = true)
public class ProductServiceImpl implements IProductService
    private ProductDAO productDAO;

    public ProductServiceImpl(ProductDAO dao)
        productDAO = dao;

    @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = false)
    public ProductProvisionResponseDTO provisionProduct(Long productId, String serverName) throws PortalException
            Product product = productDAO.findProductById(productId);

Here is my test:

public class ProductServiceTest
    private ProductDAO m_mockProductDAO;

    private IProductService m_productService;

    public void provisionProduct_noProfileAssociatedToProduct_throwsPortalException() throws PortalException, DAOException
        m_productService = new ProductServiceImpl( m_mockProductDAO );

        new NonStrictExpectations()
                m_mockProductDAO.findByProductId( anyLong );
                result = new Product();

        m_productService.provisionProduct( 123456789L, "don't care" );

When I run the test, the call on productDAO always returns null.

FWIW I can step into the findProductById() method, which takes me into JMockit's RecordAndReplayExecution class. When JMockit gets to handleInvocation(), the nonStrictExpectation is null, and later produceResult() gives null.

I believe this is a straightforward test case, but I am uncertain about whether Spring is somehow causing undesired effects, which is why I left the various annotations in my code snippets. Admittedly I'm not very familiar with how Spring works. I am directly instantiating the ProductServiceImpl, though, so I don't believe Spring is coming into play there.

Any ideas? Am I missing something totally obvious?

JMockit v1.8, JUnit v4.8.2


    • The legacy code had two identical methods that were named slightly differently. I came to realize this when Rogerio noted that my recorded expectation was different from what I was testing.
    • My JMockit usage was otherwise correct.