I'm attempting to organize Jinja2 templates in a way that makes them more manageable. For example, I have a set of team-oriented pages, and a set of prototypes, so my dir structure is:
app > templates > foo_dir > bar.html
In my script that's rendering the templates, I have the following:
templates_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
JINJA_PAGES = jinja2.Environment(
class Page(webapp2.RequestHandler):
category = None
template = category + None
url = None
def get(self):
template = JINJA_PAGES.get_template(self.template)
rendered = template.render(self.TemplateArgs())
def TemplateArgs(self):
return {}
class FooPage(Page):
category = 'page_category'
template = templates_subdir + 'template_name'
url = '/foo'
How do I access the templates in subdirectories in the most efficient way?
From the documentation on FileSystemLoader, it looks like you can pass a list of directories to be searched (in order). i.e.:
templates_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
foo_dir = os.path.join(templates_dir, 'foo_dir')
JINJA_PAGES = jinja2.Environment(
loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader([templates_dir, foo_dir]),
now JINJA_PAGES.get_template
will look first in templates_dir
for the requested template. If that template isn't found, it will next look in foo_dir