I have a MYSQL table for tasks where each task has a date, start time,end time and user_id. I want to calculate total number of hours on specific date.
Table Structure
(`id` int,`user_id` int, `title` varchar(30), `task_date` datetime, `start` time, `end` time)
(`id`,`user_id`, `title`,`task_date`, `start`, `end`)
(1,10, 'Task one','2013-04-02', '02:00:00', '04:00:00'),
(2,10, 'Task two','2013-04-02', '03:00:00', '06:00:00'),
(3,10, 'Task three.','2013-04-02','06:00:00', '07:00:00');
select TIME_FORMAT(SEC_TO_TIME(sum(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF( end, start)))), "%h:%i") AS diff
FROM tasks
where task_date="2013-04-02"
The result am getting is "06:00" Hours which is fine, but I want to exclude the overlap hours. In the example I gave result should be "05:00" Hours when the hour between 3-4 in the 2nd record is excluded because this hour is already exist in the 1st record between 2-4.
Total is 5 Hours
I hope I made my question clear. Example http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/05dd8/2
Here is an idea that uses variables (in other databases, CTEs and window functions would make this much easier). The idea is to first list all the times -- starts and ends. Then, keep track of the cumulative number of starts and stops.
When the cumulative number is greater than 0, then include the difference from the previous time. If equal to 0, then it is the beginning of a new time period, so nothing is added.
Here is an example of the query, which is simplified a bit for your data by not keeping track of changes in user_id
select user_id, TIME_FORMAT(SEC_TO_TIME(sum(secs)), '%h:%i')
from (select t.*,
@time := if(@sum = 0, 0, TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(start, @prevtime))) as secs,
@prevtime := start,
@sum := @sum + isstart
from ((select user_id, start, 1 as isstart
from tasks t
) union all
(select user_id, end, -1
from tasks t
) t cross join
(select @sum := 0, @time := 0, @prevtime := 0) vars
order by 1, 2
) t
group by user_id;
Here is a SQL Fiddle showing it working.