I use a slug instead of an ID in my rails app to prettify the url when viewing a post.
Therefore in my articles.rb file I currently use this for all links:
def to_param
This results in a url like: ...articles/this-is-a-test-article
I now want to use the normal id url format only when editing a post, is there a way to modify this to allow me to do that?
i.e. ...articles/7
For reference, in my articles controller I have:
def edit
@article = Article.find_by_slug(params[:id])
Any help will be much appreciated, thanks.
You'll be much better using friendly_id
This works exactly how you need (you have the slug
column already, and you'll need to do this):
Class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
friendly_id :slug, use: [:slugged, :finders]
The reason why friendly_id
will be good is it has adapted the find
method of Rails to handle both slugs & id's:
def [action]
@article = Article.find params[:id]
This means you can do this:
article_path(@article) #-> can have either id or slug attributes present
This will populate the :id
param with either the id
or slug
, depending on which is present, allowing you to call the find
method in the controller for either.