I had a piece of code working with Cordova 2.7. I upgraded my app to Cordova 3.3 along with upgrading all the custom plugins I developed.
I was successfully able to get the full absolute path of the Documents directory on iOS with Cordova 2.7, but with Cordova 3.3 it just returns /
for the fullPath
Here is my code:
window.requestFileSystem = window.requestFileSystem || window.webkitRequestFileSystem;
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, gotFS, fail);
function gotFS(fileSystem) {
alert("entered gotFS: " + fileSystem.root.fullPath);
I tested this on iPad Simulator 7.0 (which was giving correct results with Cordova 2.7)
Although, I can get the path with other methods, I would prefer to use the Cordova API.
The API documentation doesn't mention anything about this. Any idea what could be wrong?
Since few users requested for my answer, here is how I managed to get the Documents
directory path:
var documentsDirectoryPath = decodeURIComponent(window.location.href);
documentsDirectoryPath = documentsDirectoryPath.substring("file://".length);
documentsDirectoryPath = documentsDirectoryPath.substring(0, documentsDirectoryPath.indexOf("/<<YOUR_APP_NAME>>.app/www/index.html"));
documentsDirectoryPath += "/Documents";
Remember to replace YOUR_APP_NAME with your app's name