I'm playing around with custom PHP exceptions for the first time, and would like some help with cleaning up some code. In particular, I'm catching PDO errors, and have written a class to mail myself a stack trace of the errors. The way that I'm currently doing things is as follows:
try {
//db stuff
} catch (PDOException $e) {
throw new My_Own_Exception($e);
where my My_Own_Exception does the job with:
class My_Own_Exception extends Exception
/*code to mail myself error info: this part works!
While the above works, I feel like I should be able to just write something cleaner such as:
try {
} catch (My_Own_Exception $e) {
where My_Own_Exception is an extension of the PDOException class. A few questions about this: First, is the second way the better approach? Second, if so, is it possible? Third, if it is possible, how do I let PHP know that My_Own_Exception "exists" if My_Own_Exception is never instantiated anywhere? Hopefully the third question makes some sense: my gut tells me that if I can make that happen, then my approach should be possible.
I don't think that an exception is the correct place for logic, it should contain information about the error. A PDOException
is useful because you know it originates from your PDO code, if you throw a MyException
instead, you need to at least give more (useful) information.
This being set, you should read BiVOC's comment on your original question.
If you have a custom exception handler, you can then differentiate via instanceof
function exception_handler($exception) {
if ($exception instanceof PDOException) {
//always log/etc.