I have a Job model with an attribute of :rush which is a boolean. I used the check_box form helper to toggle :rush.
The check box form element:
<%= check_box_tag(:rush) %>
<%= label_tag(:rush, "Rush?") %>
My strong parameters method:
def job_params
params.require(:job).permit(:recipient, :age, :ethnicity, :gender, :height, :weight, :hair, :eyes, :other_info, :instructions, :user_id, :company_id, :case_id, :rush, addresses_attributes:[:id, :label, :addy, :apt, :city, :state, :zip ] )
The Create action:
def create
@job = Job.new(job_params)
@job.user_id = current_user.id
if @job.save
redirect_to current_user
render 'new'
When the form is submitted, it doesn't save :rush yet all other attributes including nested attributes save just fine. Am I missing something here?
Since your function says:
params.require(:job).permit(:recipient, :age, :ethnicity, :gender, :height, :weight, :hair, :eyes, :other_info, :instructions, :user_id, :company_id, :case_id, :rush, addresses_attributes:[:id, :label, :addy, :apt, :city, :state, :zip ] )
Then you are expecting :rush
nested inside :job
, that is, params[:job][:rush]
. So you should nest it inside the job
attribute in your html:
<%= check_box_tag("job[rush]") %>
this should work.