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Common.Logging "void Error( object message, Exception exception );" not logging the "Exception"

I'm using Common.Logging with the NLog adapter.

I'm calling this method:

void Error( object message, Exception exception );

The text of the "message" shows up in the Logs (a txt-file and in the EventLog), but the details about the exception do not. Not even the ex.Message.

Am I missing something?

How do I get the details about the Exception to show up. Do I have to just tack it on the "object message"? I guess having the overload'ed method with the exception, I thought there would be some auto-logging.

My NLog.config is fairly simple.

<nlog xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <target name="logfile" xsi:type="File" fileName="MyFile.log.txt"/>
    <target name="console" xsi:type="Console" />
    <target xsi:type="EventLog"
    <logger name="*" minLevel="Error" writeTo="eventLog" />
    <logger name="*" minLevel="Info" writeTo="console" />
    <logger name="*" minLevel="Info" writeTo="logfile"/>



Ok...based on the Sergey answer, I just roided up my setup:

layout="${longdate}|${level}|${callsite}|${logger}|${threadid}|${windows-identity:domain=false}__${message} ${exception:format=message,stacktrace:separator=*"


  • According to documentation, default layout is


    You should specify ${exception} layout renderer to write exception info. E.g. set following layout for targets which should write exceptions:


    If you want all targets to have same layout, you can move its definition to variable:

    <variable name="verbose" 
              value="${longdate}|${level:uppercase=true}|${logger}|${message}${newline}${exception}" />
       <target name="logfile" xsi:type="File" layout="${verbose}" fileName="log.txt" />
       <target name="console" xsi:type="Console" layout="${verbose}"/>
       <target name="eventLog" xsi:type="EventLog" layout="${verbose}"
               source="MySource" eventId="555" log="Application" />
       <logger name="*" minLevel="Error" writeTo="eventLog" />
       <logger name="*" minLevel="Info" writeTo="console,logfile" />