I have looked at previous examples of people having similar problems however I can't seem to figure out why mine won't work since I'm using the same session.
This is my block of code that simply queries the db to see if a customer exists, then use that customer in another insert. But as soon as i hit the line transaction.commit()
it throws the DetachedInstanceError
. Could this be from an earlier transaction.commit()
in another method?
@view_config(route_name='create_location', renderer='templates/main.html')
def create_location(request):
#get the json data from the ajax call
data = request.json_body
session = DBSession
locationName = data["location"]
custID = data["custID"]
Customer = session.query(TCustomer).filter(TCustomer.ixCustomer==custID).one()
#create customer
Location = TLocation(sDescription=locationName, ixCustomer=Customer)
return Response('ok')
this is my DBSession:
DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension()))
Here is the solution:
DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension(keep_session=True)))
had to add the keep_session=True
Then instead of doing session = DBSession()
all I had to do was just use DBSession
for my queries and session work