I'm using the tools in the HLMdiag package to look at diagnostics for a model fitted by lmer
. I have a question about the dotplot_diag
function for plotting cooks distances.
Here's an example of what I'm doing.
mod <- lmer(distance~age+Sex+(1|Subject), data=Orthodont)
cooksd <- cooks.distance(mod, group = "Subject")
dotplot_diag(x = cooksd, cutoff = "internal", name = "cooks.distance") + ylab("Cook's distance") + xlab("ID")
I get the following plot:
Question: Is there a way to have influential points labelled with their Subject
value instead of their index? i.e., it would show something like M13 or F10 (values in the Subject
variable, see below).
[1] M01 M02 M03 M04 M05 M06
Thank you in advance for your help.
I think the index
argument will work:
dotplot_diag(x = cooksd, index=levels(Subject),
data=Orthodont, cutoff = "internal", name = "cooks.distance") +
ylab("Cook's distance") + xlab("ID")