I was using pillow version 2.2.2 to convert webp image to jpeg image. The webp images are stored in a memory buffer. I found that when I try tom open the webp image it cause a memory leak with large number of images become a real problem.
def webp_to_jpeg(raw_img):
image = Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(raw_img))
buffer = StringIO.StringIO()
image.save(buffer, "JPEG")
return string_buffer.getvalue()
This memory leak only happen when I work with webp images. I try to update pillow to 2.3.0 however when I did that I was not able to read webp images at all and I got the following exception "WEBP unknown extension"
It's a webp decoder bug in PILLOW (see here). It's still leaking memory in version 2.4.0
The only workaround I've found is based on python-webm. This one is leaking memory too, but you can fix it:
In encode.py, import the libc free() function :
from ctypes import CDLL, c_void_p
libc = CDLL(find_library("c"))
libc.free.argtypes = (c_void_p,)
libc.free.restype = None
Then modify _decode()
to free the buffer allocated in the webp decoder .dll:
def _decode(data, decode_func, pixel_sz):
bitmap = None
width = c_int(-1)
height = c_int(-1)
size = len(data)
bitmap_p = decode_func(str(data), size, width, height)
if bitmap_p is not None:
# Copy decoded data into a buffer
width = width.value
height = height.value
size = width * height * pixel_sz
bitmap = create_string_buffer(size)
memmove(bitmap, bitmap_p, size)
#Free the wepb decoder buffer!
return (bytearray(bitmap), width, height)
To convert a RGB webp image :
from webm import decode
def RGBwebp_to_jpeg(raw_img):
result = decode.DecodeRGB(raw_img)
if result is not None:
image = Image.frombuffer('RGB', (result.width, result.height), str(result.bitmap),'raw', 'RGB', 0, 1)
buffer = StringIO.StringIO()
image.save(buffer, "JPEG")
return buffer.getvalue()