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Finding Length of List in Prolog

I'm running Prolog and trying to write a small function returning the length of a list:

len([XS], Y) :-
    len([X|XS], M),
    Y is M+1.

My logic is that the recursive call should include the tail of the list (XS) and increase 1 to the previous length (Y is M+1.)

This always returns false.

Any thoughts?


  • Here is a general methodology for debugging and testing Prolog predicates:

    Start with the most general query!

    Think of it: In Prolog you do not need to make up some test data. You don't even need to understand a predicate at all: Just hand in free variables! That is always a professional move!

    So in your case, that's

    ?- len(L,N).
       L = [], N = 0
    ;  loops.

    Your definition is not that bad as you claim: At least, it is true for the empty list.

    Now, maybe look at the compiler warnings you probably received:

    Warning: user://1:11:
            Singleton variables: [X]

    Next read the recursive rule in the direction of the arrow :- that is, right-to-left:

    Provided len([X|Xs], M) is true and Y is M+1 is true, provided all that is true, we can conclude that

    len([XS], Y) is true as well. So you are always concluding something about a list of length 1 ([Xs]).

    You need to reformulate this to len([X|Xs], M) :- len(Xs, N), Y is M+1.

    And here is another strategy:

    Generalize your program

    By removing goals, we can generalize a program1. Here is my favorite way to do it. By adding a predicate (*)/1 like so:

    :- op(950,fy, *).

    Now, let's remove all goals from your program:

    len([XS], Y) :-
        * len([X|XS], M),
        * Y is M+1.

    What we have now is a generalization. Once again, we will look at the answers of the most general query:

    ?- len(L, N).
       L = [], N = 0
    ;  L = [_].

    What? len/2 is only true for lists of length 0 and 1. That means, even len([1,2], N) fails! So now we know for sure: something in the visible remaining part of the program has to be fixed. In fact, [XS] just describes lists of length 1. So this has to be removed...

    Fine print:

    1 Certain restrictions apply. Essentially, your program has to be a pure, monotonic program.