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How to sanitize grape params

I want to mass update attributes of an entity.

How can I sanitize properly the params which is coming from grape?

This is my console log about the parameters:

params.except(:route_info, :token, :id)
=> {"display_number"=>"7"}
[18] pry(#<Grape::Endpoint>)> params.permit(:display_number)
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (2 for 0..1)
from /Users/boti/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p353@thelocker/gems/hashie-2.0.5/lib/hashie/mash.rb:207:in `default'
[19] pry(#<Grape::Endpoint>)> params.sanitize
=> nil


  • In grape you need to declare your params before the actual method.

    Within the method the params object is a Hashie::Mash instance, and does not have APIs like permit and sanitize...

    Here is the relevant documentation for declaring and validating parameters in grape:

    You can define validations and coercion options for your parameters using a params block.

    params do
      requires :id, type: Integer
      optional :text, type: String, regexp: /^[a-z]+$/
      group :media do
        requires :url
      optional :audio do
        requires :format, type: Symbol, values: [:mp3, :wav, :aac, :ogg], default: :mp3
      mutually_exclusive :media, :audio
    put ':id' do
      # params[:id] is an Integer

    When a type is specified an implicit validation is done after the coercion to ensure the output type is the one declared.

    If you still want to use strong parameters, you'll need to use the strong_parameters gem, and create a new instance of ActionController::Paramter yourself:

    raw_parameters = { :email => "[email protected]", :name => "John", :admin => true }
    parameters =
    user = User.create(parameters.permit(:name, :email))