As the picture shows.
How can I make part A stick intensely with part B ? to make a tank body ?
contex shape is OK but cancerve is not . so I want to make two parts stick together and move....
Thanks in advance. PS I am using cocos2d v3 , it is chipmunk encapsulated with cocos2d, no Box2D here..
Now I have resolved the issue . use Shapes list can do . But new questions comes : how can I put the gun on tank ? pivot body can rotate some angle but not 360.
there are only 4 connects in CCPhysicsJoint:
+(CCPhysicsJoint *)connectedPivotJointWithBodyA:(CCPhysicsBody *)bodyA bodyB:(CCPhysicsBody *)bodyB anchorA:(CGPoint)anchorA;
+(CCPhysicsJoint *)connectedDistanceJointWithBodyA:(CCPhysicsBody *)bodyA bodyB:(CCPhysicsBody *)bodyB
anchorA:(CGPoint)anchorA anchorB:(CGPoint)anchorB;
+(CCPhysicsJoint *)connectedDistanceJointWithBodyA:(CCPhysicsBody *)bodyA bodyB:(CCPhysicsBody *)bodyB
anchorA:(CGPoint)anchorA anchorB:(CGPoint)anchorB
minDistance:(CGFloat)min maxDistance:(CGFloat)max;
+(CCPhysicsJoint *)connectedSpringJointWithBodyA:(CCPhysicsBody *)bodyA bodyB:(CCPhysicsBody *)bodyB
anchorA:(CGPoint)anchorA anchorB:(CGPoint)anchorB
restLength:(CGFloat)restLength stiffness:(CGFloat)stiffness damping:(CGFloat)damping;
no one fit.
And my question is , can I rotate a angle on a shape in shape-arranged body ?
You can create a body with multiple shapes attached.