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Getting distinct values in a column in orm

I can pull data via

   <cfquery name="keyTypeGroup">
      SELECT DISTINCT keyTypeGroup
      FROM data.keyType

I can pull all the data via orm

return EntityLoad("data_KeyType");

I have tied

   <cfdump var="#ORMExecuteQuery('SELECT DISTINCT KeyGroupType FROM data.KeyType', true)#">

But I get

Error while executing the Hibernate query. 

org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: data.KeyType is not mapped [SELECT DISTINCT KeyGroupType FROM data.KeyType]

How should I approach fixing this?


  • Try

    <cfdump var="#ORMExecuteQuery('SELECT DISTINCT KeyGroupType FROM data.keyType', true)#">

    I have seen issues with case in situations like this.