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tcl dom get attributes as a list

<Testcase tc_name="tc1">
<Testcase tc_name="tc2">

Above is my xml, I want to use tdom to first read in all "tc_name" attributes as a tcl list. Then use each tc_name in the list to locate corresponding parameters. Please tell me how to do that, thanks!


  • Your headline says tcl dom but your question says tdom and it's tagged as tdom so I'll go for a majority decision and give a tdom answer - they are different packages!

    First you need to parse the raw xml with

    # Assumes that xmlText holds your raw XML
    dom parse $xmlText doc

    Now get a list of the tc_name nodes

    set nodes [$doc selectNodes {Testcases/Testcase[@tc_name]}

    Now cycle around those nodes accessing the Parameter nodes

    foreach node $nodes {
        set params [$node selectNodes Parameters]
        foreach param $params {
            # Do some stuff

    Don't forget to get rid of the document once you've finished with it. (Note that this will happen automatically when the proc exits if you're doing it inside a proc.)

    $doc delete

    I'm not completely sure what it is you want to do finally, so here's a bit of code to output each argument, with its tc_name, one per line:

    dom parse {<Testcases>
                 <Testcase tc_name="tc1">
                 <Testcase tc_name="tc2">
            } doc
    foreach testcase [$doc selectNodes Testcases/Testcase] {
        set name [$testcase getAttribute tc_name]
        foreach arg [$testcase selectNodes Parameters/Input_Arguments] {
            foreach child [$arg childNodes] {
                puts stdout $name\ [$child nodeValue]
    $doc delete;          # Tidy away the parsed document

    I hope this gives enough pointers to things for you to be able to complete your task