I would like to type :make
in Vim to compile my LaTeX document. I wrote down compilation rules in a Makefile
, but as soon as I enable the LatexSuite Vim extension, the Makefile
is no longer used. Instead, Vim runs latex -interaction=nonstopmode
(note the absence of a filename) and hangs in that command. I did not change the g:Tex_UseMakefile
option from its default 1 to 0 and according to the documentation, that should cause my Makefile
to be used, but it's not.
What configuration is needed to tell LatexSuite to just use my Makefile
LatexSuite was obtained via OpenSuSE repositories: vim-plugin-latex-20120125-21.1.1.noarch
You can override this via following setting in your vimrc.
autocmd FileType tex let g:Tex_CompileRule_dvi = 'make'
Alternatively, set makeprg in $HOME/.vim/after/ftplugin/tex.vim
set makeprg='make'
Helpful in-source documentation of file <latex-suite-root-folder>/compiler/tex.vim
Section " Customization of 'makeprg': {{{
This (g:Tex_CompileRule_dvi) is a string which should be directly be able to be cast into " &makeprg.