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D (Tango) Read all standard input and assign it to a string

In the D language how I can read all standard input and assign it to a string (with Tango library) ?


  • Another, probably more efficient way, of dumping the contents of Stdin would be something like this:

    module dumpstdin;
    import : Cin;
    import : Array;
    import : InputStream;
    const BufferInitialSize = 4096u;
    const BufferGrowingStep = 4096u;
    ubyte[] dumpStream(InputStream ins)
        auto buffer = new Array(BufferInitialSize, BufferGrowingStep);
        return cast(ubyte[]) buffer.slice();
    import : Stdout;
    void main()
        auto contentsOfStdin
            = cast(char[]) dumpStream(;
            ("Finished reading Stdin.").newline()
            ("Contents of Stdin was:").newline()

    Some notes:

    • The second parameter to Array is necessary; if you omit it, Array will not grow in size.
    • I used 4096 since that's generally the size of a page of memory.
    • dumpStream returns a ubyte[] because char[] is defined as a UTF-8 string, which Stdin doesn't necessarily need to be. For example, if someone piped a binary file to your program, you would end up with an invalid char[] that could throw an exception if anything checks it for validity. If you only care about text, then casting the result to a char[] is fine.
    • copy is a method on the OutputStream interface that causes it to drain the provided InputStream of all input.