I have a which utilizes classes based on a particular scope variable.
In this case, the scope variable is {{jobSingle.UserFit.Summary.score}} which takes on the values of -1 (when unknown) or 0-10 (when score is known).
The span is rendered with the following code.
<span ng-class="{true: 'fit-score-{{jobSingle.UserFit.Summary.score * 10}}', false: 'fit-score-unknown'}[jobSingle.UserFit.Summary.score > -1]">
However, the class is not populated correctly for when jobSingle.UserFit.Summary.score > -1.
When I inspect the element in the Developer Console, the code is displaying as such.
<span class="fit-score-null" ng-class="{true: 'fit-score-70', false: 'fit-score-unknown'}[jobSingle.UserFit.Summary.score > -1]">
The class that was rendered for the span was 'fit-score-null'.
Some other background info:
The above code used to work when I was using mock data defined locally.
However, after having switched my controllers to call live data from an API using $http, null started appearing in my class name for the above situation.
All other data apart from the above renders perfectly.
Am I doing something wrong? Many thanks in advance.
You should not evaluate (use {{ and }}) inside an angular version attribute since it will already evalutate the value - just like your write 'fit-score-' it will already evaluate that into a string. Try this instead
ng-class="{true : 'fit-score-' + (jobSingle.UserFit.Summary.score * 10), false : ...