I have an Activity
as a target for Butterknife and I want to use the same Activity
as a target for another View
I am inflating in runtime. Is there a way to do it?
This is what I've tried and it doesn't work:
TextView tv;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
void createDialog() {
View v = View.inflate(...); // v has a view inside with id R.id.tv
ButterKnife.inject(this, v);
new Dialog(this).setView(v)....show();
void click() {
// ...
You can't inject into the same object twice. Use two different objects. One can be the activity but one needs to be something else. It can be anything, just a simple object which holds all the fields for the dialog, for example.
There's simply no way to inject into the same object twice.
Issue comment by Jake Wharton