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Two-step copy elision to capture rvalue in constructor call as instance variable

I am trying to get an rvalue instance of this class:

#include <iostream>
#define msg(x) std::cout << x " constructor\n"

struct X {
    int i;
    X(int i) : i(i) {msg("X");}
    X(const X& x) : i(x.i) {std::cout << "X copy\n";}
    X(X&& x) {std::swap(i, x.i); std::cout << "X move\n";}

into instance variable x of this class:

struct A {
    X x;
    A(X x) : x(x) {msg("A");}

like so:

int main() {
    A a(X(1));
    std::cout << a.x.i << "\n\n";

without any copies or moves being made.

According to these references,

and many many posts on SO (so please read to the end before flagging as duplicate), I should rely on copy elision, whose conditions should be satisfied if I pass by value. Note that there are two copy elisions required, namely:

constructor call -> constructor local variable -> instance variable

as can be seen when turning copy elision off (compile with g++-4.8 -std=c++11 -fno-elide-constructors):

X constructor
X move
X copy
A constructor

So there is one move step and one copy step, which should both go away if I turn copy elision on (compile with g++-4.8 -std=c++11 -O3):

X constructor
X copy
A constructor

Bummer, the copy step remained!

Can I get any better with any other variation of std::move(), std::forward or passing as rvalue-reference?

struct B {
    X x;
    B(X x) : x(std::move(x)) {msg("B");}

struct C {
    X x;
    C(X x) : x(std::forward<X>(x)) {msg("C");}

struct D {
    X x;
    D(X&& x) : x(std::move(x)) {msg("D");}

int main() {
    B b(X(2));
    std::cout << b.x.i << "\n\n";

    C c(X(3));
    std::cout << c.x.i << "\n\n";

    D d(X(4));
    std::cout << d.x.i << "\n\n";

which produces the output:

X constructor
X move
B constructor

X constructor
X move
C constructor

X constructor
X move
D constructor

OK, I turned the copy into a move, but this is not satisfactory!

Next, I tried to make the instance variable x a reference X&:

struct E {
    X& x;
    E(X x) : x(x) {msg("E");}

int main() {
    E e(X(5));
    std::cout << e.x.i << "\n\n";

which produces:

X constructor
E constructor

Bad idea! I got rid of the move but the rvalue instance that x was referencing to got destroyed under my seat, so the last line prints garbage instead of 5. Two notes:

  • g++-4.8 didn't warn me of anything, even with -pedantic -Wall -Wextra
  • The program prints 5 when compiled with -O0

So this bug may go unnoticed for quite a while!

So, is this a hopeless case? Well no:

struct F {
    X& x;
    F(X& x) : x(x) {msg("F");}

int main() {
    X x(6);
    F f(x);
    std::cout << f.x.i << "\n";


X constructor
F constructor

Really? No fancy new C++11 features, no copy elision at the discretion of the compiler, just plain old FORTRAN66-style pass-by-reference does what I want and probably will perform best?

So here are my questions:

  • Is there any way one can get this to work for rvalues? Did I miss any features?
  • Is the lvalue-reference version really the best, or are there hidden costs in the X x(6) step?
  • Could there be any inconveniences introduced by x living on after the construction of f?
  • Could I pay a data locality penalty for using the lvalue reference to an external instance?


  • Without going into too much detail of your question, copy elision is basically used as much as possible. Here's a quick demo:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <utility>
    struct X
        int n_;
        explicit X(int n) : n_(n) { std::cout << "Construct: " << n_ << "\n"; }
        X(X const & rhs) : n_(rhs.n_) { std::cout << "X copy:" << n_ << "\n"; }
        X(X && rhs) : n_(rhs.n_) { rhs.n_ = -1; std::cout << "X move:" << n_ << "\n"; }
       ~X() { std::cout << "Destroy: " << n_ << "\n"; }
    struct A
        explicit A(X x) : x_(std::move(x)) {};
        X x_;
    struct B
        X x;
    int main()
        A a(X(12));
        B b { X(24) };

    This produces:

    Construct: 12
    X move:12
    Destroy: -1
    Construct: 24
    Destroy: 24
    Destroy: 12

    The one move in x_(std::move(x)) is not elidable, since it doesn't involve a function return. But that's pretty good anyway. And notice how the aggregate b is indeed initialized "in-place".

    Your example F shows that you're willing to expose the coupling of X to its ambient class. In that case, you could make a special constructor for A that constructs the X directly:

    struct A
        explicit A(X x) : x_(std::move(x)) {};
        X x_;
        // Better approach
        struct direct_x_t {};
        static direct_x_t direct_x;
        // In our case, this suffices:
        A(direct_x_t, int n) : x_(n) {}
        // Generally, a template may be better: (TODO: add SFINAE control)
        template <typename ...Args> A(direct_x_t, Args &&... args)
        : x_(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}


    A a(A::direct_x, 36);