So people have been having problems compressing the output of Scalding Jobs including myself. After googling I get the odd hiff of an answer in a some obscure forum somewhere but nothing suitable for peoples copy and paste needs.
I would like an output like Tsv
, but writes compressed output.
Anyway after much faffification I managed to write a TsvCompressed output which seems to do the job (you still need to set the hadoop job system configuration properties, i.e. set compress to true, and set the codec to something sensible or it defaults to crappy deflate)
import com.twitter.scalding._
import cascading.tuple.Fields
import cascading.scheme.local
import cascading.scheme.hadoop.{TextLine, TextDelimited}
import cascading.scheme.Scheme
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.{OutputCollector, RecordReader, JobConf}
case class TsvCompressed(p: String) extends FixedPathSource(p) with DelimitedSchemeCompressed
trait DelimitedSchemeCompressed extends Source {
val types: Array[Class[_]] = null
override def localScheme = new local.TextDelimited(Fields.ALL, false, false, "\t", types)
override def hdfsScheme = {
val temp = new TextDelimited(Fields.ALL, false, false, "\t", types)