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JSTL Taglib Showing Hidden Parameters

we are having some issue with JSTL Taglib below since sometimes are showed in the browser even if input type is declared "hidden"

<c:forEach var="homeDesc" items="${homeDescBean.homeCategories}">
    <input type="hidden" id='${homeDesc.category}'value='${homeDesc.title}_${homeDesc.experience}_${homeDesc.description}' />

looking at the generated HTML we see:

<input type="hidden" id="O2" value="VALUE &nbsp;16 mq.">
<input type="hidden" id="S3" value="VALUE_VALUE_<br /><div xmlns=" http:="""" 1999="" xhtml'="">

please notice that the the <br /><div... does not come from our code and is generated from some reason by JSTL.


  • You have a slew of quotes in that value, which is making it break from the quotes around value="". You need to replace the quotes with the HTML entity. You would do the replacement in the controller, set this is the request attribute, and use JSTL.

    In the controller:

    String str = "VALUE_VALUE_<br /><div xmlns=\" http:=\"\"\"\" 1999=\"\" xhtml'=\"\">\nVALUE THAT SHOULD BE HIDDEN</div>";
    str = str.replaceAll("\"", "&quot;");
    request.setAttribute("htmlsnippet", str);
    request.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/show.jsp").forward(request, response);

    In the JSP:

    <c:out value="${htmlsnippet}" />

    EDIT: But sending hardcoded HTML/XML to the server in a hidden input is a bad idea. You're going to have to validate it again on the server-side, so you might as well leave it in the back-end entirely. Putting it in a hidden input and sending it back to the server gives the user the chance to alter it.