I want to restart the portal Server.suppose if we do like this means 1st execute stopServer.bat WebSphere_Portal -user ** -password ** and 2nd execute startServer.bat WebSphere_Portal
yeah it will start the Server.otherwisewe can do like this also..
stopServer.bat WebSphere_Portal -user ** -password ** && startServer.bat WebSphere_Portal
Myquestion is How to create another batch File ,in that batch File ,it will restart the Server,BY using that 2 batch File.and How to pass that Parameter means username and Password and WebSphere_Portal?
There is no difference between writing a batch script to restart Portal, and writing a batch script that would call any other batch script:
@echo off
set USER=%1
call stopServer.bat WebSphere_Portal -user %USER% -password %PASSWORD%
call startServer.bat WebSphere_Portal
The call it:
restartPortal.bat MyUser MyPassword