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Ember.js Linking to different objects with custom templates

I have the following code for generating links to objects and I have a template that renders it but I would like to have each item in the list call either a different template or display different items. Is this possible?

  <div class="main-content container"> 
            <div class="container-fluid">
              <div class="col-xs-3">
                <div class="span3">
                  <table class='table'>
                      <tr><th><h3>Select Your Source</h3></th></tr>  
                        {{#each refRecord in model}}
                          {{#link-to 'ref' refRecord classNames="fullwidth"}}{{refRecord.type}}{{/link-to}}
                <div class="col-xs-9">


  • I'm not sure if I've understood correctly, but I took your question in two ways, either they link to a different template, or they render each item different in the list.

    Link to different templates

    You can create dynamic link-to using a property instead of a string in the link-to statement.

      {{#each item in model}}
        <li>{{#link-to item.template item}}{{item.color}}{{/link-to}}</li>

    Render each item different

    This is a bit different since render doesn't allow taking a property and resolving the name dynamically. But you can still use an if statement and render different items differently.

    {{#each item in model}}
          {{render 'foo' item}}
          {{render 'bar' item}}