I'm running a SQL query through RODBC. I have a field that is giving me problems querying, titled "1YearTotalSpend". It is a numeric field, and after doing some diagnostics I can see no errors in the contents of the field values, which are numeric.
Specifically, the error I receive is: "[RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect...
# This works fine, where "AnyOtherSpendField"
# is a field whose name doesn't start w/ a numeral.
df <- sqlQuery(handle, "select ID, FieldA, FieldB, FieldC
from Table.A
where Type not like 'NULL'
and Code like 'SUB'
and Status in ('100','440','222')
and AnyOtherSpendField > 0
order by AnyOtherSpendField desc ")
# however both of the two options below fail:
"...and 1YearTotalSpend > 0"
"...order by 1YearTotalSpend ")
Given that the rest of my code works, I strongly suspect that the error comes because of the field starting with a 1, rather than "One". Obviously, starting a field with a numeral is terrible data management practice, and not of my own doing.
If identifiers don't start with alphabetic characters or underscore, you need to escape them. In SQL Server, escape them using square braces. So try:
and [1YearTotalSpend] > 0
"...order by [1YearTotalSpend]
I would also suggest that you construct your column and table names so they do not need to be escaped.
Here is good documentation on the topic.